First Setup : React-Native

First Step Towards Android Development ๐Ÿ˜


2 min read

Basically it took me hours for my setup, as working in windows is not that bad but to setup each and every variable is just a terrible idea, it was hectic but at the end it was all worth it.

I had followed, my favorite, Hitesh Choudhary.
His React-Native playlist containing nearly 60 videos, helping me to understand and learn Android Development, is just phenomenal.

So for starters you need basic softwares, Ofcourse I am talking about Windows.

  • Node.js

  • Java JDK

  • Android Studio (Just for some Internal Files)

Install all of these with latest or of any version you can have at the time. If you face any errors installing or downloading please ask chatGPT or google or Phind or any other AI, or if not watch Hitesh Sir's Playlist and the installing tutorial for better understanding.

After installing all and setting path variables and being ready for first app to run, beforehand just in case chek these in cmd,

node -v
java --version
abd -version

Create a new folder on desktop, or wherever you want and open cmd on that folder, using 'Alt+D' in that folder and type CMD and hit Enter. Now run Command :

npx react-native init newapp

First time it takes moroe time to run, but later on, it will fire onn quickly. If any error occur try to resolve it on your own, or you can check online as someone might have faced similar difficulties on same problem. In my case, the path variables were not properly named, although they were set, the path variable names were WRONG, apparently it caused some problem. So likewise you can have more errors, sometimes re-installing the whole software could be good.

So after the first app is created and ready to be deploy on the virtual device you have on your screen, now on the cmd paste this :

npx react-native run-android

If it had error of having no terminal, run this :

npx react-native run-android --terminal 'cmd.exe'

If any other error is occured then try resolving by ChatGPT or any onine help, or by simply following your gutt, or as I like to say it :

If Your Code Doesn't Have Errors,
It was Probably Copied.

- Krunal Chandan

Let's Save something for next, till then have a errorfull code.
Eat, Sleep, Code, Repeat.
